Ivy Bregman is a freelance producer based in Toronto, Canada.

An Ottawa native with a business degree from Dalhousie University, Ivy spent some years bouncing around the corporate world until very happily landing in production. She gained her initial experience on long format MOWs and is currently cutting her teeth in commercials.

She feels immense joy when helping bring others’ visions to life and has spearheaded productions of many shapes and sizes to do so. Reliable, resourceful and solution-oriented by nature, Ivy strongly believes in doing things the right way and cares deeply about each person and every detail involved.

In her free time she can be found perusing her favourite shops in Toronto’s west end, consuming a concerning amount of ice cream and knitting fun things for those who ask (feel free to ask)

She sincerely loves connecting with anyone/everyone so please reach out:

ivy@ivybregman.com | 613-867-5351 | @ivybregman

*CV for download